Non-human Creatures
1. C. Niederberger and M. Gross. Hierarchical and Heterogeneous Reactive Agents for Real-Time Applications. Graphics Forum 22(3), 2003.
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3. Tu, Xiaoyuan, and D. Terzopoulos, Artificial Fishes: Physics, Locomotion, Perception, Behavior. in proceedings of SIGGRAPH 94: 43-50, 1994.
Behavioral Models
4. C. W. Reynolds. Steering Behaviors for Autonomous Characters. in Conference Proceedings of the 1999 Game Developers Conference. pages 763-782
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6. H. Noser and D. Thalmann. The Animation of Autonomous Actors Based on Production Rules. in Proc. Computer Animation 96, 1996, Geneva, Switzerland.
Scripting systems
7. K. Perlin and A. Goldberg. Improv: A system for scripting interactive actors in virtual worlds. In proceeding of SIGGRAPH 96, 205-216, 1996.
8. S. Vosinakis and T. Panayiotopoulos. A Task Definition Language for Virtual Agents. WSCG 2003.
Cognitive models
9. J. Funge, X. Tu, and D. Terzopoulos. Cognitive Modeling: Knowledge, Reasoning and Planning for intelligent Characters. in proceeding of SIGGRAPH 99, 29-38, 1999.
10. N. I. Badler and D. M. Chi and S. Chopra-Khullar. Virtual Human Animation Based on Movement Observation and Cognitive Behavior Models, in proceeding of Computer Animation Conf.: 128-137, 1999
System Architectures
11. B. M. Blumberg and T. A. Galyean. Multi-Level Direction of Autonomous Creatures for Real-Time Virtual Environments, in proceeding of SIGGRAPH 95: 47-54, 1995.
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13. J. Cremer, J. Kearney, and Y. Paperlis, HCSM: Framework for Behavior and Scenario Control in Virtual Environments, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 5(3): 242-267, 1995.
Collision detection
14. J. D. Cohen, M. C. Lin, D. Manocha, and M. K. Ponamgi, I-COLLIDE: An Interactive and Exact Collision Detection System for Large-Scale Environments. in proceeding of Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics: 189-196, 1995.
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Dynamic Simulation
20. J. Hodgins, W. Wooten, D. Brogan, and J. O’Brien. Animating Human Athletics, in proceeding of SIGGRAPH 95: 71-78, 1995.
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Pedestrian Dynamics
22. D. Helbing, P. Molnar, I. Farkas, and K. Bolay, Self-organizing pedestrian movement. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 28(3): 361 (2001).
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