. dot product(inner product)
. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_product
. (vector * vector) -> scalar
. lengths and angles (projection)
. a.b = |a||b|cos(theta)
. cross product(outer product)
. vector * vector -> vector
. area of parallelogram, perpendicular
. a x b = n|a||b|sin(theta)
. Scalar triple product
. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_product
. V = |a.(bxc)|
. Vector triple product
. ax(bxc)
. del
. differential operator del
. nabla(역삼각형 모양)
. flux
. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flux
. the magnitude of a river's current
. the amount of water that flows through a cross-section of the river each second
. Gradient
. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gradient
. Measure of the slope(steepness, fall, incline) of a straight line
. Whose magnitude is the greatest rate of change
. the direction of the greatest rate of increase of the scalar field
. f(x) : scalar function (vector -> scalar)
. x : vector variable
. grad(f) = (af/ax1, ... af/axn) : (vector -> scalar) -> vector
. a : partial derivatives
. invariant under orthogonal transformations
. Divergence
. F = (F1, F2, .. Fn)
. div F : (aF1/ax1 + aF2/ax2 + .. + aFn/xn) : vector -> scalar
. div = nabla inner-product
. linear operator
. vector field's tendency to originate from or converge upon a give point
. flux density
. derivative of the net flow of the vector field
. div F(x0, y0) > 0 : source, expand
. div F(x0, y0) < 0 : sink, shrink
. Curl
. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curl
. vector operator
. F : vector
. curl(F) : vector -> vector
. curl = nable cross-product
. vector fields's rate of rotation
. the direction of the axis of rotation
. the magnitude of the rotation
. circulation density